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Advanced Dentistry

Restore your smile & confidence

Bone Grafting in Hemel Hempstead

Dental implants are an wonderful way to replace missing teeth. They offer a strong, secure way to support the mouth, as well as looking and feeling incredibly natural and comfortable.

As a dental implant requires a metal ‘root’ to be implanted into the jaw bone, onto which the new false teeth are attached, it is necessary to ensure there is a sufficient amount of bone available to support the implant.

Infection or simply the wear and tear of having a denture can mean that some patients have experienced a reduction in the amount of bone in the jaw. In these cases, our experienced specialist dentist Amit can offer a bone graft.

A bone graft may be carried out at the same time as an implant is placed, or prior to this. Once bone graft treatment is complete and healed, you can go ahead with the dental implant treatment in order to give you a beautiful smile you can be proud to show off to the world.

Technical information

Patients who are considering a dental implant will receive a detailed examination and assessment from our experienced specialist dentist Amit, he will be able to advise whether a bone graft is needed, as well as answering any questions they may have.

If a bone graft is required prior to a dental implant, our specialist dentist will begin by administering a local anaesthetic, to ensure you are completely comfortable. Nervous patients can also receive gentle sedation to help them relax during the procedure.

Each bone graft treatment is designed around each patient, but usually the extra bone that is needed for the planned site can be taken from the wisdom teeth area or under the lower incisor teeth. The use of synthetic bone and that from various other sources is also highly successful. This will be discussed with you in more detail on an individual level, and your dentist will fully explain your grafting procedure before they begin.

Once the bone graft has healed, you can begin the next step towards a new smile with your dental implant treatment. If you would like to find out more about how bone grafting and dental implants could work for you, please speak to the team.

Take a look at Bone Grafting

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